Become “Insights Driven


Do you want to empower your company to become insihts-oriented and a leader in your industry? Get in touch with us!


Are you a leading consulting firm looking to help companies shift to a data-driven mindset and management philosophy?

What is the Insights Driven Community?

The Insights Driven Organizations and Insights Driven Consulting community is a global collective of forward-thinking organizations, companies, and consultants committed to embracing the future of data-driven and insights-driven management. We regularly organize meetings to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and collectively advance towards our vision.

What are the benefits of being a member of this community?

As a member, you’ll gain exclusive access to the latest updates, trends, and news in data-driven and insights-driven management. Additionally, you’ll enjoy the privilege of exclusive training sessions and offers tailored to advance your knowledge and expertise. Our community is a rich hub for networking, learning, and growing in a dynamic, collaborative environment.

How can I join the Insights Driven Organizations and Insights Driven Consulting community?

Joining is straightforward and free of charge until further notice. Simply fill out the application form on our website and become part of this progressive community. We look forward to welcoming you!

Are there any costs involved in becoming a member of this community?

For the time being, we are offering free membership thanks to our Main Sponsor MoreThanDigital Insights. Our aim is to gather as many individuals and organizations as possible who are keen to embrace the future of data and insights-driven management. Future updates regarding membership fees, if any, will be communicated well in advance.

“Since not everyone has access to these huge amounts of data, we should focus on gaining insights from data and use this as a basis for our work.”

Founder of Insights-Driven
Benjamin Talin, CEO of MoreThanDigital